Beat the Heat in Our Pool and Jacuzzi for a VIP Weekend at Steam Complex

steam complex cool down

Hey there, Steamers!

As the hot weather alerts for this weekend ring out, we’ve got the perfect chill-out solution! Imagine a refreshing plunge into our pristine swimming pool and a leisurely soak in our luxurious commercial Jacuzzi. Now, add in some unbeatable savings, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for beating the heat!

steam complex
Beat the Heat in Our Pool and Jacuzzi for a VIP Weekend at Steam Complex 4

This Friday, our much-loved Couples & Friends Discount Day is getting a cool new makeover. With your partner or sauna buddy by your side, it’s time to dive into our pool and wash away the week’s stress. We’re open from noon till 7pm, and you both can join the cool fun for just £20. Get your special entry voucher here!

As Saturday brings the heat, our Cumfed Weekender helps you stay chill. We’re open from 11am to 7pm and our relaxing commercial Jacuzzi is your oasis from the heat. And with our VIP pass, you’re splashing into the fun for just £12!

Sunday has something cool for everyone. If you’ve stopped by earlier in the week, then Sunday’s entry is our treat! And if you’re just joining us for the weekend, our VIP pass lets you get into the Sunday splash for a breezy £12! It’s like getting two refreshing visits for the price of one – a way we like to pamper our fantastic Steam Complex community!

So, fellow Steamers, when the weekend heatwave hits, remember we’re your cool sanctuary with top-notch facilities and hot VIP passes. Dive in, chill out, and save big with us!

Here’s to a weekend that’s less of a heatwave and more of a cool pool party at Steam Complex! Stay safe in the summer sun and remember, we’re your ultimate spot for some refreshing, water-filled fun!

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